Journal Articles (All Issues)



Ali Nasir Abdul Hussein

Keyword Optical extinction spectra, Nanoparticles, Metal concentrations, Architectural configurations, "plasmon resonance"


Multiple-sphere T-matrix approach is used to examine the optical extinction spectra of nanoparticles. These nanoparticles have different alloy structures, shell-like nature, inverse ""core-shell"" architectures, metal concentrations. A unique approach for determining the architecture of nanoparticles (whether they have a "core-shell" structure or are alloyed) using just information about A place for “"plasmon resonance"” and creating the parts we need is suggested by examining simulations and existing literature. The work finds that the internal structure of monodisperse non-interacting "bimetallic nanoparticles" with a known may be effectively determined across a large range of possible configurations by using the optical spectrum fitting technique. However, the approach encounters difficulties and constraints in precisely characterizing the internal structure of nanoparticles larger than 60 nm in radius and containing fewer than about 25% silver atoms. Overall, the research highlights the potential of using optical extinction spectra analysis and fitting techniques to unravel the structural properties of nanoparticles, but acknowledges certain limitations for specific nanoparticle sizes and compositions


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Vol. 43 No. 01 (2024)